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  2. The Last Laugh is a 1924 German silent film directed by German director F. W. Murnau from a screenplay written by Carl Mayer. The film stars Emil Jannings and Maly Delschaft. Stephen Brockmann summarized the film's plot as, "a nameless hotel doorman loses his job". It is a cinematic example of the Kammerspielfilm or "chamber-drama" genre, which follows the style of short, sparse plays of lower middle-class life that emphasized the psychology of the characters rather than the sets and action. The genre tried to avoid the intertitles of spoken dialogue or description that characterize most silent films, in the belief that the visuals themselves should carry most of the meaning.
    Release dateJanuary 5, 1925 (USA)
    Content ratingNot Rated
    Directed byF.W. Murnau

    Jannings' character is a doorman for a famous hotel, who takes great pride in his work and position. His uncaring manager decides that the doorman is getting too old and feeble to present the image of the hotel, and s… See more


    Emil Jannings as hotel doorman
    Maly Delschaft as his niece
    Max Hiller as her bridegroom
    • Emilie Kurz as bridegroom's aunt… See more


    Director F. W. Murnau was at the height of his film career in Germany and had high ambitions for his first film with UFA. He stated that "All our efforts must be directed towards abstracting everything that isn't the true domai… See more

    Film and artistic technique

    The use of camera movement, dramatic camera angles, distorted shots, and changing focus contributed to creating new perspectives and impressions for viewers. The film's use of montage was also pioneering… See more

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